Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The best fashion people to follow on Instagram

I love that glimpse into the lives of the world's favourite fashion folk, and this is exactly what Instagram affords us to do so!

Get all the New York Fashion Week action first hand by adding these fashionable folk to your feed

Natasha Goldenberg, @ngoldenberg
Yet another super stylish member of the Russian fashion mafia, Natasha Goldenberg is a stylist and designer. Her wardrobe is dream-like, much like her idyllic-looking life which sees her flit between New York, Paris, London and Milan

Sam McKnight, @sammcknight1
Out of season, Sam McKnight, one of the world's most renowned hair stylists, will be found tending to his glorious garden - from which he shares his beautiful green-fingered photography all year round.

Anna Dello Russo, @anna_dello_russo

Vogue Japan's eccentric editor-at-large is the poster girl for the most outré new styles. During fashion week her Instagram account is a veritable catwalk to sidewalk feast, as she takes on the challenge of the latest unpredictable trends with sheer glee. 

Gigi Hadid, @gigihadid
Hadid is the embodiment of the beautiful American dream, and boy does her Instagram prove it. The new model 'It' girl might be a shameless selfie taker, but when you're skin is that honey coloured and glowing, who can blame her? 

 Mert Alas, @mertalas
One half of photography duo Mert and Marcus, Mert Alas is on fashion inner circle. He holidays with Kate and Naomi, parties with the biggest designers and works for the world's best fashion brands, meaning his Instagram is great for sneak previews of upcoming work. 

Cara Delevingne, @caradelevingne
Wherever Cara goes, her Instagram followers know about it. Over-exposed she may well be, but that certainly makes for some good pics. Whether it's backstage, on stage, at home or on a shoot what could be better than seeing what the life of the world's most in demand model really involves?  

 There are many more interesting accounts, worth checking out. Here you can find them

Enjoy my fashion addicts:-)



  1. There are even more. I mean they are not to be missed

  2. Yeah, gotta looove Cara!

    xoxo Colli // tobeyoutiful

  3. Amazing post and yes they are the most fashionable people, Princesses Diane not here but her elegance legend live on.

  4. How cool! Must check their accounts asap!

    1. make sure you do, cos they are really good

  5. Replies
    1. I follow Cara for a while now, and I have to say she has some crazy stuff up there

  6. great pictures nd great memories.
    Kiss from Italy
    Check it out my new post:

  7. Amazing photos!

    Please click on the SheInside link of my post

  8. love their instagrams xo


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